Google 如何使用 Cookie

This page describes the purposes for which Google uses cookies and similar technologies. It also explains how Google and our partners use cookies in advertising.

Cookie 是由您访问的网站向您的浏览器发送的小段文本。它能帮助相应网站记住与您的访问活动相关的信息,以便下次访问时更加快捷,同时也能让该网站为您提供更加实用的服务。类似技术也可实现上述功能,比如用于标识应用/设备的唯一标识符、像素标签和 local storage。本页提到的 Cookie 和类似技术都可用于下述用途。

如需了解我们在使用 Cookie 和其他信息时如何保护您的隐私,请参阅隐私权政策

Purposes of cookies and similar technologies used by Google

Google may store or use some or all of the cookies or similar technologies in your browser, app, or device for the purposes described below. To manage how cookies are used, including rejecting the use of cookies for certain purposes, you can visit You can also manage cookies in your browser (though browsers for mobile devices may not offer this visibility). Some of these technologies may be managed in your device settings or in an app’s settings.


Cookies and similar technologies used for functionality purposes allow you to access features that are fundamental to a service. These cookies are used in order to deliver and maintain Google services. Things considered fundamental to a service include remembering choices and preferences, like your choice of language; storing information relating to your session, such as the content of a shopping cart; enabling features or performing tasks requested by you; and product optimizations that help maintain and improve that service.

Examples of cookies

Some cookies and similar technologies are used to maintain your preferences. For example, most people who use Google services have a cookie called ‘NID’ or ‘_Secure-ENID’ in their browsers, depending on their cookie choices. These cookies are used to remember your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language, how many results you prefer to have shown on a search results page (for example, 10 or 20), and whether you want to have Google’s SafeSearch filter turned on. Each ‘NID’ cookie expires 6 months from a user’s last use, while the ‘_Secure-ENID’ cookie lasts for 13 months. Cookies called ‘VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE’ and ‘__Secure-YEC’ serve a similar purpose for YouTube and are also used to detect and resolve problems with the service. These cookies last for 6 months and for 13 months, respectively.

其他 Cookie 和类似技术会用于在特定会话期间维护和提升您的体验。举例来说,YouTube 会使用“PREF”Cookie 存储信息,例如您偏好的页面配置和播放设置(比如明确设置的自动播放选择、随机播放内容以及播放器尺寸)。对于 YouTube Music,这类偏好设置包括音量、重复模式和自动播放。该 Cookie 会在用户最后一次使用的 8 个月后过期。“pm_sess”Cookie 也会帮助维护您的浏览器会话,有效期为 30 分钟。

Cookie 和类似技术可能还会用于改进 Google 服务的性能。例如,“CGIC”Cookie 可根据用户初始输入的内容自动补全搜索查询,从而提供更切合用户需求的搜索结果。该 Cookie 的有效期为 6 个月。

Google 会使用有效期为 13 个月的“SOCS”Cookie 来存储用户的 Cookie 选择状态。


Google uses cookies and similar technologies for security purposes to protect you as you interact with a service by authenticating users, protecting against spam, fraud and abuse, and tracking outages.

Examples of cookies

The cookies and similar technologies used to authenticate users help ensure that only the actual owner of an account can access that account. For example, cookies called ‘SID’ and ‘HSID’ contain digitally signed and encrypted records of a user’s Google Account ID and most recent sign-in time. The combination of these cookies allows Google to block many types of attack, such as attempts to steal the content of forms submitted in Google services. These cookies last for 2 years.

某些 Cookie 和类似技术会用于检测垃圾内容、欺诈行为和滥用行为。例如,“pm_sess”和“YSC”Cookie 可用于确保浏览会话内的请求是用户(而非其他网站)发出的。这些 Cookie 可防止恶意网站在用户不知情的情况下代该用户执行操作。“pm_sess”Cookie 的有效期为 30 分钟,而“YSC”Cookie 仅在用户浏览会话期间有效。“__Secure-YEC”和“AEC”Cookie 会用于检测垃圾内容、欺诈行为和滥用行为,帮助确保广告主不会因欺诈性的或其他性质的无效展示或无效的广告互动而被误收费,并确保参与 YouTube 合作伙伴计划的 YouTube 创作者都能获得公正合理的报酬。“AEC”Cookie 的有效期为 6 个月,而“__Secure-YEC”Cookie 的有效期为 13 个月。


Google uses cookies and similar technologies for analytical purposes to understand how you interact with a particular service. These cookies and similar technologies help collect data that allows us to measure audience engagement and site statistics. This helps us to understand how services are used, and to enhance their content, quality and features, while also allowing us to develop and improve new services.

Examples of cookies

某些 Cookie 和类似技术可帮助网站和应用了解访问者使用服务的情况。例如,Google Analytics(分析)会使用一系列 Cookie 代那些运用 Google Analytics(分析)服务的商家收集信息并向商家报告网站使用情况统计信息,但不会透露访问者的任何个人身份信息。“_ga”是 Google Analytics(分析)使用的主要 Cookie,能让此服务将一位访问者与另一位访问者区分开来。该 Cookie 的有效期为 2 年。所有实现了 Google Analysis(分析)的网站(包括 Google 服务)均会使用“_ga”Cookie。每个“_ga”Cookie 都是专属于特定媒体资源的,因此无法用来在不相关的网站上跟踪特定用户或浏览器。

为了进行分析,Google 服务也会在 Google 搜索上使用“NID”和“_Secure-ENID”Cookie,并在 YouTube 上使用“VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE”和“__Secure-YEC”Cookie。Google 移动应用也可使用唯一标识符(例如“Google Usage ID”)进行分析。


Google uses cookies for advertising purposes, including to show personalized ads, serving and rendering ads, and personalizing ads (depending on your settings at, and These cookies also are used for, limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ads you have chosen to stop seeing, and delivering and measuring the effectiveness of ads.

Examples of cookies

The ‘NID’ cookie is used to show Google ads in Google services for signed-out users, while the ‘IDE’ and ‘id’ cookies are used to show Google ads on non-Google sites. Mobile advertising IDs, such as the Android’s Advertising ID (AdID), are used for a similar purpose on mobile apps, depending on your device settings. If you have personalized ads enabled, the ‘IDE’ cookie is used to personalize the ads you see. If you have turned off personalized ads, the ‘id’ cookie is used to remember this preference so you don’t see personalized ads. The ‘NID’ cookie expires 6 months after a user’s last use. The ‘IDE,’ and ‘id’ cookies last for 13 months in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, and the United Kingdom (UK), and 24 months everywhere else.

其他 Google 服务(例如 YouTube)可能也会使用这些和其他 Cookie 及技术(例如“VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE”Cookie)展示广告,具体取决于您的广告设置。

用于广告用途的某些 Cookie 和类似技术适用于已登录账号的 Google 服务用户。例如,系统会使用“DSID”Cookie 识别非 Google 网站上的已登录用户,以便相应地遵循用户的广告个性化设置。“DSID”Cookie 的有效期为 2 周。

通过 Google 的广告平台,商家可在 Google 服务中及非 Google 网站上投放广告。某些 Cookie 支持 Google 在第三方网站上展示广告,这些 Cookie 是在您访问的网站所属的网域中设置的,例如,“_gads”Cookie 支持在网站上展示 Google 广告。名称以“_gac_”开头的 Cookie 来自 Google Analytics(分析),可供广告主用于衡量其广告系列的用户活动和效果。“_gads”Cookie 的有效期为 13 个月,“_gac_”Cookie 的有效期为 90 天。

某些 Cookie 和类似技术会用于衡量广告和广告系列的效果以及 Google 广告在您访问的网站上的转化率。例如,名称以“_gcl_”开头的 Cookie 主要用于协助广告主确定用户点击广告并最终在其网站上执行操作(例如购买)的次数。用于衡量转化率的 Cookie 不会用于投放个性化广告。“_gcl_”Cookie 的有效期为 90 天。类似的技术(例如 Android 设备上的广告 ID)也可用于衡量广告和广告系列的效果。您可以在 Android 设备上管理您的广告 ID 设置

如需详细了解用于广告用途的 Cookie,请点击此处


Cookies and similar technologies are used for the purpose of showing personalized content.These cookies help enhance your experience by providing personalized content and features, depending on your settings at or your app and device settings.

Examples of cookies

个性化内容和功能包括更切合您需求的结果和推荐内容、为您量身定制的 YouTube 首页、根据您的兴趣投放的广告,等等。例如,借助“VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE”Cookie,系统或许能在 YouTube 上基于以往的观看和搜索活动提供个性化推荐内容。“NID”Cookie 则可于您在 Google 搜索中输入搜索字词时提供个性化自动补全功能。此类 Cookie 会在距用户最后一次使用满 6 个月后过期。

另一个 Cookie“UULE”会从您的浏览器中向 Google 的服务器发送确切位置信息,以便 Google 向您显示与您所在位置相关的结果。该 Cookie 的使用方式取决于您的浏览器设置以及您是否已选择为浏览器开启位置信息服务。“UULE”Cookie 的有效期为至多 6 小时。

即使您拒绝将 Cookie 和类似技术用于个性化用途,您所看到的非个性化的内容和功能仍可能受到情境因素(例如您的位置、所用语言、设备类型或您正在查看的内容)的影响。

在浏览器中管理 Cookie

在大多数浏览器中,您都能管理您浏览网页期间 Cookie 的设置及使用方式,还能清除 Cookie 和浏览数据。此外,您的浏览器可能还会提供一些设置,让您能够管理不同网站的 Cookie。例如,通过 chrome://settings/cookies 上的 Google Chrome 设置,您可删除现有 Cookie、允许或阻止所有 Cookie 以及为网站选择 Cookie 偏好设置。Google Chrome 还提供了无痕模式,该模式会在您关闭所有无痕式窗口后从您的设备上删除您在无痕式窗口中的浏览记录并清除相关 Cookie。


在大多数移动设备和应用中,您都能管理类似技术(例如用于标识应用/设备的唯一标识符)的设置及使用方式。例如,Android 设备上的广告 ID 或 Apple 设备上的广告标识符可在设备设置中进行管理,而应用专属标识符可能通常要在应用设置中管理。

Google 应用